Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) is the governing body challenged with the role of representing students in the decision-making processes of the College. SGA gives every student the chance to practice and develop leadership skills while representing their peers and improving OC and student life. Students involved in Student Government have the chance to interact with the college administration and faculty and work in a collaborative manner to better the institution. Student Government members are respected as leaders of the student body, and their input is often sought in making important decisions for Odessa College. For more information or to join Student Government, contact Student Activities at or call 432-335-6403.

Why become a member of Student Government?

As a member of SGA you will:

  • Develop your leadership skills.
  • Get involved on campus and in your community.
  • Represent the student body in all matters to the Board of Regents, the administration and the faculty.
  • Develop student programming to enhance the learning atmosphere.
  • Learn about how our government works.
  • Attend conventions and region meetings, gaining valuable networking contacts across the state.

Membership qualifications (from SGA Constitution)

Membership shall be open to any and all current Odessa College students who are not eligible for membership in the Odessa College Faculty Senate, Organization of Maintenance Employees, Organization of Professional Staff, or Organization of Secretaries and Clerks, provided that:

  1. The student’s academic discipline record is free from suspensions, expulsions, or other serious college policy violations.

  2. All outstanding debts to the college have been paid, AND;

  3. The student maintains a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA, AND;

  4. The student is enrolled at least half-time, defined as follows

    1. Enrolled in 6+ semester credit hours during the current fall or spring semester, OR;

    2. Enrolled in 6+ semester credit hours during the preceding and upcoming fall or spring semesters during the Midwinter, Maymester, and summer terms, OR;

    3. Enrolled in 3+ semester credit hours during the current 8-week term, if the student intends to graduate at the end of the current term.


SGA Constitution 

For more information on positions, please look over our SGA constitution here


Executive Board Officer Positions

President: Ashlie Velasquez

Executive Vice President: Lucy Enriquez

VP of Business Affairs: Jessica Fierro

Secretary: John Ologhobo

Parliamentarian: Damilola Adesina

Media Relations Officer: Vacant

Advisors: Elyssa Garcia & Maria Vazquez